Toledo First Headline News | October 3, 2019

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Theological Hmm: I am glad to hear the musical instruments that you have here. God wants us to have them. He wants us to praise Him with heart and soul and voice, magnifying His name before the world. - Ellen White


Coming soon:

  • COMMUNION OCT 5 Join us this Sabbath for our quarterly opportunity to recalibrate our lives around sacrifice and service for Jesus
  • BAHAMAS OFFERING A special offering for the Bahamas following the hurricane devastation will be collected this week in church
  • HARVEST PARTY AND HAYRIDE OCT 5 with vespers beginning @ 6:30pm. Plan now to enjoy great fall food and fellowship and a fun hayride out in the country under the stars! Address: 8815 County Road M, Delta, OH 43515. Invite a friend. Makes a great ordinary outreach
  • CORN MAZE OCT 6 Calling all youth ages 12-20! October 6 we are heading to Fleitz Pumpkin Farm in Oregon for some more fall fun including a 5 acre corn maze. Please see the bulletin board for more info and the signup sheet! 
  • “SOUP" (sometimes its subs or pizza or tacos...) FOR YOU CONTINUES OCT 9 - We are studying Elizabeth Talbot's book After God's Heart: A Study in Brokenness from the Life of David. Each of us, despite our obvious flaws and brokenness, can come closer to God. Is that your desire? Copies of the book are available for $5 in the church office while supplies last. Would make a great Six Week Group too
  • FRIENDSHIP DINNER OCT 12 hosted by Rose Cross and her team. This is a great time to invite family or friends who don’t have a home church to come and visit us and stay for a meal! 
  • MONTHLY EVANGELISM PLANNING & PRAYER MEETINGS CONTINUE OCT 12 (and continue the 2nd Sabbath / month) after church in the sanctuary for everyone helping NOV 13-20, 2019 or APR 24 - MAY 23, 2020. If there is a potluck or fellowship meal, the meetings will occur after lunch @ 2pm
  • VESPERS OCT 18 @ 7:30pm CarolineK says vespers is about “washing the stink off” your week. It will be a little different every time but participants should bring a praise or prayer request to the sanctuary or their fave 60 second take away from some Jesus moment that week. We will sing some songs and those who wish to learn how to play cahone, can be taught by an expert cahone player. Vespers will last 45-60 minutes
  • BAPTISMS OCT 19 Join us for these special additions to our church family
  • YOUNG ADULT SPIRITUAL RETREAT OCT 25-27 Young Adults and their families will enjoy beautiful Hocking Hills with speaker Dee Casper for a weekend of camping, hiking, games, canoeing, zip lining and more! Details are on the church bulletin board
  • SATURATE TOLEDO We are partnering with some other churches to hang info bags on the doors of homes in our zip code 43623 with a copy of the "Jesus DVD" and some info about Toledo First church. We need volunteers to do this on consecutive Sabbath afternoon / evenings coming soon. This outreach does not require talking to anyone at the door just leaving the bag on the door knob. There may be hot chocolate and games when we're done...Please contact the church office if you're willing to help
  • PANERA BREAD is available on FRI mornings from 8a - 9a. BIG thanks and way to go to Frankie and Ana for leading out
  • RIDES TO CHURCH Two community friends south of Alexis Rd between Secor and Tremainsville would like rides to church. Anyone able to help let me know
  • CAMPANAS CRISTALIS HANDBELL ENSEMBLE is recruiting new members. If you or your young person are between the fourth and eleventh grade and would like to join a group of Christian youth praising God through music, come join our handbell ensemble. Ability to read music is not required as you will be taught all that is necessary
  • ¡VIVA VENEZUELA OUTREACH! In Venezuela, churches offer resources when they are hard to secure with the country in crisis. So if you want to help, you can donate non perishable food, over the counter medicine, and toiletries items in the black box on the table in the foyer
  • BATTLE PLAN CHURCH CHAT "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts unto God." - Colossians 3:16 (ASV) Are you struggling with anxiety, addiction, depression, loneliness throughout the week? Get connected with our church chat! Be strengthened by sharing scripture, devotional thought, praise, prayer requests and connecting with fellow believers morning (7a-8a), noon (12-1p) and/or evening (7p-8p). Text Brandi @ 765-716-2190 with your preferred time and get connected! "Be careful—watch out for attacks from Satan, your great enemy. He prowls around like a hungry, roaring lion, looking for some victim to tear apart. Stand firm when he attacks. Trust the Lord; and remember that other Christians all around the world are going through these sufferings too." - 1 Peter 5:8-9 (TLB)
  • JESUS MADE INVITATIONS SO WILL WE NOV 13 - 20 for our fall 2019 "If it's important to Jesus..." series of 7pm evening meetings preached by me where I hope all our small groups will gather. Also save the dates APR 24 - MAY 23, 2020 for a grace based Christocentric prophecy seminar with Rich Halversen
  • VIOLIN CONCERT NOV 23 Save the date and if you're in town the week of Thanksgiving, invite a friend to join you in Toledo First for a memorable worship service with world re-known musician Jaime Jorge. Stay tuned to see if we're hosting a fellowship meal after the service
  • CAN ALZHEIMERS DISEASE BE PREVENTED AND EVEN REVERSED? Dr. David's presentation is archived online and available to be viewed here
  • JESUS MOVIES The Apostle, The Pilgrim's Progress, Luther, Billy Graham: An Extraordinary Journey, Faith, Hope & Love, Christmas Grace; The Nativity Story; The Star; The Conscientious Objector (2004); The Ultimate Gift; Shadowlands; The Shack; Cutback; Soul Surfer; Grace UnPlugged; End of the Spear; The Mission; Beautifully Broken; Running for Grace; Steve McQueen: American Icon; The Resurrection of Gavin Stone; Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed; Is Genesis History?; God's Not Dead; Fireproof; War Room; The Case for Christ; The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry; Amazing Grace; Once I Was a Beehive; I Can Only Imagine
  • ANTI-DEPRESSION WORKBOOK Would love to know if those of you fighting depression find this free tool helpful. The updated link is here OR if you're in Toledo, you can pick up a free hard copy in our church office
  • GEOSCIENCE RESEARCH INSTITUTE If you've never heard of the Geoscience Research Institute, here's their website Established in 1958, this organization is sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church with a mission to discover and share an understanding of nature and its relationship with the Biblical revelation of the Creator God. It has all kinds of resources and articles related to intelligent design and evolution and dinosaurs and many other interesting subjects. I enjoy reading their quarterly email update. You can subscribe by clicking here and filling out the form asking to be included in their quarterly e-newsletter
  • BIBLE STUDY GUIDES are available in your app store (search for the blue and white "Sabbath School" logo in the category Education) and online
  • ONLINE BIBLE STUDIES The Discover Bible Study series is online. Anyone can enroll and complete them in the privacy and comfort of their own home. Good for friends and family interested in becoming acquainted with the Bible and finding answers for facing the issues and challenges you deal with every day. Remember and refer others to this website:
  • PRAYERS AND PRAISES Because we need to be praising God with our lips (Psalm 63:3), here's another CathieH directly at with your praise. Yes, it can be anonymous, if you prefer. Just specify in your email you don't want your name mentioned. You can still write your prayers & praises and put them in the box at the foot of the cross in the foyer at the courtyard exit doors. Cards and pencils are provided
  • BEST COMMENTARIES ON DANIEL AND REVELATION Want a chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse practical but thorough commentary on the book of Daniel or Revelation from an Adventist viewpoint? Here's what I use and recommend Daniel: Wisdom to the Wise and Revelation of Jesus Christ
  • NEW SERMONS Please see church website for sermon archives and more info at
    • OCT 5 - Ways to Praise (Part 6) - Tehillah (Pastor Mike preaching from Psalm 22:3) *Scripture Reading: Revelation 5:9
    • OCT 12 - Ways to Praise (Part 7) - Shabach (Pastor Mike preaching from Psalm 63:1-5) *Scripture Reading: Psalm 145:3-4
    • OCT 19 - Ways to Praise (Part 8) - Practice (Pastor Mike preaching from Psalm 44:1-8) *Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:164-165
    • OCT 26 - Questions TJA Students Ask: Does Everything Happen For A Reason? *Romans 8:28
  • OUR WELCOME We extend a special welcome to those who are single, married, divorced, gay, filthy rich, dirt poor, y no habla ingles. We extend a special welcome to those who are crying newborns, skinny as a rail, or could afford to lose a few pounds. We welcome you if you sing like Andrea Bocelli or can’t carry a note in a bucket. You’re welcome here if you’re just browsing, just woke up, or just got out of jail. We don’t care if you’re more Catholic than the Pope, or haven’t been in church since little Joey’s baptism. We welcome service dogs and their handlers. We welcome Muslims, Jews, politicians, and sinners like us. We extend a special welcome to those who are over 60 but not grown up yet, and to teenagers who are growing up too fast. We welcome soccer moms, NASCAR dads, starving artists, tree-huggers, latte-sippers, vegetarians, junk- food eaters. We welcome those who are in recovery or still addicted. We welcome you if you’re having problems, or you’re down in the dumps, or you don’t like “organized religion;” we’ve been there too. If you blew all your offering money at the casino, you’re welcome here. We offer a special welcome to those who think the earth is flat, who work hard, don’t work, can’t spell, or come because grandma is in town and wanted to go to church. We welcome those who are inked, pierced, or both. We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, had religion shoved down your throat as a kid, or got lost in traffic and wound up here by mistake. We welcome tourists, seekers, doubters, bleeding hearts...and you
  • OUR STORY Our church website at the very bottom of the home page has an excellent downloadable resource featuring our story and explanation of our unique Christian Adventist emphasis. It's called the Toledo First Assimilation Manual and if you've never read it, I would encourage you to do so. And don't forget, God loves you like crazy. And so do we (2 Corinthians 5:13-14 NLT)

Love ye,