Toledo First Headline News | October 15,2020

Theological Hmm: I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there. If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me. I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night—but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. - Psalm 139:7-12

Coming soon:
  • ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE OCT 17 / 24 / 31 What does the Bible say about the world's fascination with dead men walking? How does Jesus change the way we look at death? And how does Jesus' victory over death remind us that He is greater than the principalities and powers of this world? Don't miss this short three part sermon series aimed at introducing others to the Jesus who is greater than the principalities and powers of this dark world.
  • FORECASTING HOPE CONTINUES FRI / SAT / SUN / TUE / WED streaming five nights a week @ 8pm EST for one hour until November 2. To watch, sign up at The series will not be hosted in the church sanctuary, archived online, or streamed anywhere else on the church Facebook page or website but if you missed some, you can contact me for the re-broadcast links which are available by request.
  • WE ARE OPEN OCTOBER 17 @ 9:30am but remain under the state of Ohio mask mandate. Which means everyone at church 10 years of age and older must wear a face covering of some kind (free and available at the doors) except officiants in a religious service, those with a medical condition or disability and those communicating with someone with a disability. The church has been cleaned and signs posted. Some pews will not be available. Hand sanitizer is available at the doors. If you're not sick, immuno-compromised, previously exposed to Covid 19, and are willing to follow these recommendations, you're welcome to join us!
  • IGLESIA ADVENTISTA DE TOLEDO CONTINUES OCT 17 @ 11AM in church fellowship hall. Tenemos servicio en español en la sala del comedor todos los sábados de 11-1:15.
  • NEW MEETING ID FOR DIAL IN SABBATH SCHOOL AND CHURCH If you (or a senior you know) have limited or no internet access but want to listen to Sabbath School (9:30am) and church (11am) on your phone, you can call 1 (312) 626-6799 (*long distance charges may apply) and enter Meeting ID 951 1223 3153. When prompted, please also add the password: 4909. This meeting ID will be good until mid FEB 2021.
  • CHILDREN'S SABBATH SCHOOLS have resumed. Cradle Roll (0-2), Kindergarten (3-6), and Primary (7-9) will be meeting @ 9:45am in the fellowship hall, and teachers request that all children wear masks if able to. Juniors (10-12) will meet in their usual classroom same time in the daycare area and Youth (13+) will continue meeting in Youth room. Singspiration for all ages remains in sanctuary and begins at 9:30am.
  • PRAYER MEETING CONTINUES ON WEDNESDAYS @ 6:30pm After prayer, discussion of the new book, As Light Lingers, continues.  Pick up your $5 copy today in the church office and join the social distanced group in the fellowship hall next week.
  • FOOD PANTRY HOLIDAY NEEDS Some items we could use more of in preparation for the holidays: dry pie crust mix, pie fillings, dream whip, instant mashed potatoes, gravy mixes (envelopes), stuffing mix, cream of mushroom soup, cranberry sauce, biscuit pouches (e.g. Martha white), canned sweet potatoes/ yams.
  • POCKET SIGNS Signs Magazine has a special rate in November for their ‘Pocket Signs’ magazines. These are small, 8 page mini magazines with a truth-filled article taken from the larger monthly magazines. These are perfect for handing out to friends, family, and coworkers. See the table in the foyer for more information.
  • EMPTY WATER BOTTLES The office is in need of empty 16.9 oz water bottles and other 16.9 oz bottles. Color does not matter! You will see why on December 5 : )
  • ASSURANCE OF SALVATION is plainly taught in Scripture. God declares that we can have full confidence and bold assurance when we are in Christ. Enjoy this article from the Dean of the Andrews University Theological Seminary.
  • 4TH QUARTER BIBLE STUDY GUIDES a.k.a Quarterlies are available for pick up in the foyer at church and in the yellow Signs Magazine box under the canopy entrance at church. This new quarter's study begins OCT 3, 2020. The lessons are about "Education". You can also download Bible Study Guide here. Or search in your app store (search for the blue and white "Sabbath School" logo in the category Education) and study in your app as well.
  • SAVE THOUSANDS ON TUITION TO ADVENTIST COLLEGE Did you know students can clep out of many college courses saving thousands of tuition dollars and maximizing their time at Adventist college by studying Saylor Academy's free online courses at their own pace, paying to take a comprehensive exam, and transfering credits to participating universities? Go to for more info!
  • CHRISTVENTISTS SERMON SERIES RESUMES NOV 7 The apostolic church in Acts learned to hold tightly to Jesus and the teachings of Jesus. They learned to listen carefully to Old Testament prophets pointing forward to Jesus. They learned to share fearlessly what they learned from the prophecies and teachings of Jesus even if they encountered opposition and suffering. They learned to obey faithfully God not man. They learned how to pray and God blessed them with additional influence and courage. They also learned to share their possessions sacrificially. And thus became known by their love for Jesus and the world God so loved. If the apostolic church could become known by their love for Christ and the cross as their way of life, our church can too! Join us in person / online / Roku / dial in telephone Zoom continuing November 7.
  • MISS A MESSAGE? Did you know you can read the sermon notes via PDF by clicking this link for Pastor's Mike's Sermons?
  • TRUTHLINK Our world is filled with dark rumors and misinformation about God that has many people either running from Him in horror or trying to serve Him like slaves. [truth] is a unique Bible study experience that achieves a high level of doctrinal clarity while showing the centrality of God’s love to every biblical truth. All you have to do is log in and get started. With the completion of each lesson, you have access to the next topic. [truth]LINK is easy to take with you on your phone or tablet, as well, so you can pick up at any time, anywhere, right where you left off in the series. I just finished these and highly recommend for friends and family.
  • TEN COMMANDMENTS BEFORE SINAI? The ten commandments precede Sinai. We know this is true because references to the ten commandments exist in some form or fashion prior to Sinai. And God could not hold those breaking them accountable if there was no law (Romans 4:15).
    • Genesis 35:1 (No other Gods?)
    • Genesis 35:2 (No graven images?)
    • Genesis 24:3 (No taking God's name in vain?)
    • Genesis 2:3 / Exodus 16:28-29 (No seventh day Sabbath?)
    • Genesis 27:41 (No honoring father and mother?)
    • Genesis 4:7-9 (No murder?)
    • Genesis 39:6-9 (No adultery?)
    • Genesis 44:5 (No stealing?)
    • Genesis 39:10-12,16-17 (No false witness?)
    • Genesis 12:18 (No coveting?) 
  • TEN COMMANDMENTS AFTER SINAI AND THE CROSS? The ten commandments remain. We know this is true because references to the ten commandments exist in some form or fashion after Sinai and the Cross. And God could not hold those breaking them accountable if there was no law (Romans 4:15).
    • Colossians 3:4 (Don't be greedy...worshiping the things of this world - no other Gods?)
    • Colossians 3:5 (For a greedy person is an idolater - no graven images?)
    • Colossians 3:8 (Now is the time to get rid of...dirty language - no taking God's name in vain?)
    • Matthew 24:20 / Hebrews 4:9 / Revelation 14:6-7 (There is a seventh day Sabbath keeping that remains - remember the seventh day Sabbath?)
    • Ephesians 6:1-3 (Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord - honoring father and mother?)
    • Colossians 3:8 / 1 John 3:5 (But now is the time to get rid of anger / no murder?)
    • Colossians 3:5 (Have nothing to do with sexual immorality - no adultery?)
    • Ephesians 2:8 (Quit stealing - no stealing?)
    • Colossians 3:9 (Don't lie - no false witness?)
    • Colossians 3:5 NKJV (Put to death covetousness - no coveting?)
  • PRAY FOR HOPE! APOCALYPSE OF HOPE PROPHECY SEMINAR POSTPONED until April 16, 2021 - May 15, 2021. Join me in asking God to give us the opportunity to provide this series of Christocentric grace based hope filled meetings next spring.
  • WANNA N.E.W. S.T.A.R.T? Try focusing on better:
    • Nutrition. Protein comes from plants too!
    • Get more Exercise. Walk an intentional mile every day
    • Drink more Water. I like the Kroger carbonated kind
    • Take vitamin D3 supplements and try to get some daily Sunshine
    • Temperance means abstaining from that which is harmful and moderation in that which is good
    • Fresh Air especially at night if possible through open open windows; implement and practice daily deep breathing exercises
    • Rest. Not just on Sabbath but shutting off screens earlier to get 8 hours of sleep too
    • Time with God. Not just on Sabbath but at the beginning and end of every day
  • SUPPORT ADVENTIST PUBLISHING BY SHOPPING ON AMAZON? YES! Simply start at (bookmark it!). There, click the image that says “SHOP. CONNECT. ENJOY” That will open Amazon, where you shop as normal. When you check out, Amazon will send a percentage (1–10%, depending on the product category) of your total purchase (but not what you purchase) to Pacific Press.
  • CHILD PROTECTION SCREENING PROCESS Now would be a good time to get recertified. The new web-based platform features a training and screening system for both employees and volunteers across all conferences in the division. All volunteers and employees may register by going to:  and selecting Sterling Volunteers on the top of the web page.
  • NEW ELLEN WHITE WEBSITE The internet is a blessing and a curse. One blessing comes in the form of a new website sharing balanced Seventh-day Adventist explanations of Ellen White and the 25 million words, 100k pages, and 49 books she wrote with a third grade education during her lifetime. The curse comes from the myriad of sites sharing inaccurate or intentionally misleading conclusions regarding her ministry. Whether others find her writings helpful or not, shouldn't one make that decision on reputable sources? One of my favorite quotes from her pen is: "Truth can afford to be fair."
  • DO YOU KNOW HOW YOUR TITHE DOLLARS ARE DISTRIBUTED? By far the largest portion of tithes in the North American Division (NAD) stays locally. For example, this is how a $100 portion of tithes are distributed in the NAD (based on 2018 figures). $66 stays in the local conference (Ohio for us); $10 goes to Defined Benefit Retirement; $9 goes to the Union Conference (Columbia Union Conference for us); $9.15 goes to the NAD; $5.85 goes to the General Conference. This information is taken from the Follow the Funds article on page 11 of the May 2020 issue of Adventist Journey.
  • TOP TEN LIST OF JESUS BOOKS FOR NEW ADVENTISTS I'm giving each of my children a box of my fave books. We often give away Tyner's and Vendon's books as graduation gifts. Make sure you, your kids and grandkids have read these! Try before Amazon
    • As Light Lingers by Nina Atcheson
    • Searching for the God of Grace by Stuart Tyner
    • Salvation by Faith and Your Will by Morris Vendon
    • Surprised by Love by Elizabeth Talbot
    • I Used to Be Perfect by George Knight
    • It’s All About Him by Lee Vendon
    • Knowing God in the Real World by Jon Paulien
    • Why Didn’t They Tell Me? by Morris Vendon
    • Beyond Common Ground: Why Liberals and Conservatives Need Each Other by Alden Thompson
    • The Eleventh Commandment by Dwight Nelson
    • The Faith I Highly Recommend by John McLarty
  • TOP TEN LIST OF ADVENTIST RESOURCE BOOKS I'm giving each of my children another box of my fave Adventist resource books to help them. Maybe they will help you too?
    • 52 Sabbath Activities for Teen Groups by Don Pate
    • Pause for Peace by Clifford Goldstein
    • Light Bearers to the Remnant by R.W. Schwarz
    • Questions on Doctrine edited by George Knight
    • Joyful Noise by Ed Christian
    • Daniel: Wisdom to the Wise by Zdravko Stefanovic 
    • Revelation of Jesus Christ by Ranko Stefanovic
    • In Granite or Ingrained? by Skip MacCarty
    • Graffiti in the Holy of Holies by Clifford Goldstein
    • Ellen White Under Fire by Jud Lake
    • God’s Character and the Last Generation edited by Jiri Moskala
    • Homosexuality, Marriage, and the Church edited by Roy Gane
  • ROKU If you have Roku, and would like to watch Sabbath School (Saturdays 9:30am) and Church (Saturdays 11am), search "Streaming Channels" in Roku for "Toledo First SDA Church" and bam, there you go. Enjoy! #HappySabbath!
  • CALL EM ALL The latest updates are available on Thursdays via TF Headline News email and when necessary, via 30 second voicemail messages as well. If you do not receive the weekly church emails and phone messages, you may want to submit current email addresses and phone numbers to the church office (419) 882-6200;
  • THE ADVENTIST GIVING APP We want to continue to give Toledo First the opportunity to participate in the worship of giving. While you can always do so via the church website (, you could also download The Adventist Giving App available in both iOS Appstore and Android’s Google Play store. Just search using keyword “AdventistGiving” to download the App to your phone or tablet and thank you for continuing to support your local church!
  • CHERRY STREET MEALS Volunteers are always needed to serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner especially on Sundays and Thanksgiving. You can call Community Relations Manager Susan Graalman at 419-214-3357 or 419-214-3419. You can also email her at  
  • BATTLE PLAN CHURCH CHAT "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts unto God." - Colossians 3:16 (ASV) Are you struggling with anxiety, addiction, depression, loneliness throughout the week? Get connected with our church chat! Be strengthened by sharing scripture, devotional thought, praise, prayer requests and connecting with fellow believers morning (7a-8a), noon (12-1p) and/or evening (7p-8p). Text Brandi @ 765-716-2190 with your preferred time and get connected! "Be careful—watch out for attacks from Satan, your great enemy. He prowls around like a hungry, roaring lion, looking for some victim to tear apart. Stand firm when he attacks. Trust the Lord; and remember that other Christians all around the world are going through these sufferings too." - 1 Peter 5:8-9 (TLB)
  • BEST ADVENTIST RECIPE SWAP If you're looking for a favorite vegetarian or vegan recipe from academy, church, or some Adventist friend made for you, it's probably here! Search Facebook for Best Adventist Recipe Swap. Enjoy!
  • JESUS MOVIES I Still Believe, Ray of Hope, The Chosen (Season 1: Episodes 1-8); A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, Harriet, Just Mercy, The Apostle, The Pilgrim's Progress, Luther, Billy Graham: An Extraordinary Journey, Faith, Hope & Love, Christmas Grace; The Nativity Story; The Star; The Conscientious Objector (2004); The Ultimate Gift; Shadowlands; The Shack; Cutback; Soul Surfer; Grace UnPlugged; End of the Spear; The Mission; Beautifully Broken; Running for Grace; Steve McQueen: American Icon; The Resurrection of Gavin Stone; Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed; Is Genesis History?; God's Not Dead; Fireproof; War Room; The Case for Christ; The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry; Amazing Grace; Once I Was a Beehive; I Can Only Imagine.
  • GEOSCIENCE RESEARCH INSTITUTE If you've never heard of the Geoscience Research Institute, here's their website Established in 1958, this organization is sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church with a mission to discover and share an understanding of nature and its relationship with the Biblical revelation of the Creator God. It has all kinds of resources and articles related to intelligent design and evolution and dinosaurs and many other interesting subjects. I enjoy reading their quarterly email update. You can subscribe by clicking here and filling out the form asking to be included in their quarterly e-newsletter.
  • OUR WELCOME We extend a special welcome to those who are single, married, divorced, gay, filthy rich, dirt poor, y no habla ingles. We extend a special welcome to those who are crying newborns, skinny as a rail, or could afford to lose a few pounds. We welcome you if you sing like Andrea Bocelli or can’t carry a note in a bucket. You’re welcome here if you’re just browsing, just woke up, or just got out of jail. We don’t care if you’re more Catholic than the Pope, or haven’t been in church since little Joey’s baptism. We welcome service dogs and their handlers. We welcome Muslims, Jews, politicians, and sinners like us. We extend a special welcome to those who are over 60 but not grown up yet, and to teenagers who are growing up too fast. We welcome soccer moms, NASCAR dads, starving artists, tree-huggers, latte-sippers, vegetarians, junk- food eaters. We welcome those who are in recovery or still addicted. We welcome you if you’re having problems, or you’re down in the dumps, or you don’t like “organized religion;” we’ve been there too. If you blew all your offering money at the casino, you’re welcome here. We offer a special welcome to those who think the earth is flat, who work hard, don’t work, can’t spell, or come because grandma is in town and wanted to go to church. We welcome those who are inked, pierced, or both. We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, had religion shoved down your throat as a kid, or got lost in traffic and wound up here by mistake. We welcome tourists, seekers, doubters, bleeding hearts...and you.
  • NEW SERMONS Please see church website for sermon archives and more info at
    • OCT 17 - Zombie Apocalypse: Part 1 (Pastor Mike preaching from 1 Samuel 28)
    • OCT 24 - Zombie Apocalypse: Part 2 (Pastor Mike preaching from Matthew 14:22-27)
    • OCT 31 - Zombie Apocalypse: Part 3 (Pastor Mike preaching from Revelation 6:9-11)
    • NOV 7 - Christventists Part 2: Listen Carefully (Pastor Mike preaching from Acts 3:12-26)
  • OUR STORY Our church website has an excellent downloadable resource featuring our story and explanation of our unique Christian Adventist emphasis. It's called the Toledo First Assimilation Manual and if you've never read it, I would encourage you to do so. And don't forget, God loves you like crazy. And so do we (2 Corinthians 5:13-14 NLT)!

Love ye,