Toledo First Headline News | November 5th, 2022



Theological Hmmm

Adoration, the offering of worshipful praise, is widely recognized as a key element of prayer. But, arguably, it is the aspect of prayer we are quickest to neglect or rush by. When we pray, no one needs to remind us to prioritize making our requests known to God...But our adoration is often abbreviated to an opening statement... It's more salutation than adoration, a quick hello before we are off to the real business of asking... One day we will gather around a table crowded with those who have loved God the most and the longest. And on our lips will be unmitigated adoration. Why wait until that day? — Jen Wilkin

Let's Hang Out!
@ Wildwood Park 

After church this Sabbath!
Meet at the Playground!
Snacks Provided.

Toledo Junior  

      Education Day


Bobby Ostrander passed away
Monday October 17th at 9:20pm after battling cancer. Bobby's family and Pastor had a circle prayer around his bed reading verses and committing Bobby to God. Heather Smith LaPoint spent a couple hours with him and then Pastor Mike and Jackie were with him when he took his last breath. Bobby was surrounded by church friends and family when he died.
Now, he rests until Jesus comes. 

Please send cards to: 
Bev Ostrander 2727 Albion St.,Toledo, OH 43610

Memorial Service:
November 5, 2022 at 3:00pm
Toledo First Adventist Church

Pastor Steve Cozzens 

Pastor Cozzens is the interim pastor here at Toledo First.  He has been attending church here since 2006 and  has worked as the associate pastor here for almost 3 few years. If you haven't had the pleasure of making his acquaintance yet, be sure to stop and introduce yourself. He would like to meet you!

Dunes Veggie Food
Order Forms 

Due Tuesday November 8th

Please plan to pay by check when you pick up your order on Tuesday November 15th.


Please bring in new or used coats, gloves, boots, scarves, hats and any other winter clothes and put them in the boxes marked "Coats for the Cold" by the church office. Together, let's try to help as many people as we can stay warm this winter!


 Remember, Jesus said, "I needed clothes and you clothed me."


If you missed Ringfest 2022, 
you missed out!

 But at least you can still watch it on Facebook!

It's almost time to choose Toledo First delegates for the Ohio Conference Constituency Meeting in Worthington, Ohio on Sunday, June 4, 2023. Because our church is so large, we need to send 8 delegates to this important meeting. Therefore, all church members have the opportunity to vote for 11 (8 delegates plus 3 alternates) currently attending adult members who live in Ohio or near the Ohio/Michigan border. You can vote one of two ways: electronically via a link that will be posted here in the Toledo First Newsletter on Thursday December 1st or via paper roster distributed in the bulletin Sabbath December 3rd. Additional paper rosters will be available in the office. The last day to vote both on paper or electronically is Monday December 12th. Either way is equally acceptable but you can only vote once. 


NOV   5         Helen Konewka

NOV   7         Gabriel Landeros

NOV   9         Bev Ostrander

NOV 11         George Jenkins

NOV 14         Daniel Landeros

NOV 15         Fern Baer, Sara Rios,

NOV 17         Will Frey, Pat Kline

NOV 18         Marilu Beebe

NOV 28         Callie Hood

NOV 30         Alex Bills, Kathryn Landeros

A sheep, a drum, and a snake fell off a cliff. Baa-dumm-tsss


In change from the wishing well and penny jug will be combined with the  December special offering to support the Pakistan School Project.

Dear Toledo First Church,
Thank you for welcoming our family into yours and for the lovely farewell party. We give thanks to God for you and the nearly sixteen years we shared. We will miss you dearly! 

Christians don’t say goodbye, only "See you next time",
so "See you next time!"
 In Christian Love,
Pastor Mike, Jackie, Josh, and Lydia

Toledo First Pathfinders
Tuesdays 6:00pm

Need a quick or not so quick stress-break?

Fresh out of ideas?

Try this: Breath in deep through your nose and out slowly through your mouth 10 times.

Weekly reminder of how to win friends for Jesus:

Arouse in the other person an eager want .

Luke 24:32

              Bonnie Mattison: Health and healing from cancer
              Debbie (Cathie H’s friend): Healing for her legs
              Jonathan (Cathie’s son): Strength from the Lord
              Aranda Family: Strength to carry on after losing a child
              Fred Shook (Mary S’s friend): Comfort for the loss of Karen
              Kim B: Restoration of health and healing for stomach pain
              Mary Snowberger: Improvements of her health
              Diana: To find a new safe home
              Annette Martes: Health and healing
              Efrain Martes: Recovery from a surgical procedure
              Fern Baer: Health and healing for her lymphoma, comfort and joy
              Jean Kline: Health and healing during her current health trials
              Charles Jake: Healing and health
              Kimiko Kawakami: Healing and health
              Charles Payne: He will be able to return to Andrews University
              Travis: He is hurting and sad. He needs to know and trust Jesus.
              Bev Ostrander: Healing from accidental injury
              Victoria Williams: Help finding an affordable home health aide
              Saira Fryman: Health and healing
              Dennis Fryman: Health, healing and rehabilitation
              Linda Fryman: Health and healing, peace, joy as she lives with Parkinson’s
              Jeff: Finding full-time work and relief from stress
              Peggy Willardo: Healing from health problems & help with anxiety
              Dottie Hall: Comfort after husband's passing  & healing from cancer
              Susan Kay Carter: Comfort & peace after daughter’s passing
              TJA: Spiritual, mental, emotional, social & physical blessings for all
              Fortune Family: Safe travels and new beginnings
              Rachel: Strength and joy from the Lord to face each day
              Tripp Cantwell: Healing from cancer.
              Susan: Healing for her grandson, comfort and peace from her Creator



Don't forget the Secret Sister Program will start in January. Ladies who would like to participate should fill out an interest card located on the table in the foyer and place the card in the basket.
Please turn in your card by December 3rd.     

See Cathie Heath for questions.

“Women’s Ministries is looking forward to planning future events and serving the women of our church and community.  If you would like to donate funds to this ministry please mark your tithe envelopes and designate your online donations as such.

For questions related to Women’s Ministries see our new director Janessa Garman.

 Thank you Janessa for your willingness to serve!

God's Pantry
12:00 - 3:00

Food Pantry Wishlist:

spaghetti noodles

instant oatmeal 

peanut butter

canned fruit

green beans

Northwood Community Closet

  Thursdays 9:00-11:00


Parkwood King's Clothing Closet

Tuesdays 9:00-1:00

Bread from Heaven Ministry

If you know someone in need, tell them we have bread from Panera in the kitchen on Fridays from 9:00am-10:00 am
  • OCT 15 Farewell Toledo - Pastor Mike
  • OCT 22 Pastor Steve
  • OCT 29 Ringfest
  • NOV 5 Education Day
MISS A MESSAGE? Did you know you can read the sermon notes via Google Docs by clicking this link for Pastor Mike's Sermons?

If you're able and willing to cheerfully support (2 Corinthians 9:7) our school building addition, please consider adding it to your monthly contributions. Every little bit will help us pay for the loan. Thank you for helping us introduce more students at Toledo Junior Academy to Jesus and do more good (Psalm 51:18)!

AMAZON SMILE Simply by starting your Amazon shopping at and selecting Toledo Junior Academy as your charity of choice, a percentage of your purchase will go to TJA. Thanks for your support!

There is a beautiful Sabbath School app now available for download. Search your app store for
"Sabbath School & PM."

Archived presentations from Prophecies of Hope can be found by scrolling to "videos" and searching by date on church Facebook page. You do not need a Facebook page to access the church Facebook page.

TruthLink online Bible studies offer doctrinal clarity while showing the centrality of God's love.