Toledo First Headline News | June 15, 2023


Greetings, church family,

BIBLE ENCOURAGEMENT (An Ode To Fathers): "So he got up and went to his father. ‘But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him.’ (Luke 15:20) 

APPRECIATION: Thank you to all who helped make our international sabbath a blast! 

NORTHWOOD: Please keep our sister congregation Northwood in prayer. Four Bible workers arrive tomorrow and will begin following up on over 100 requests for Bible studies in preparation for their evangelism series at the end of July.

BUSY JULY: Several items are coming up in July; please take note of it in the graphic below. A big highlight is that from July 14-15, we will have our Building Healthy Families weekend with Drs. David and Beverly Sedlacek from Andrews University. We encourage you to attend. 

PERSONAL WITNESSING: Keep praying for those on your prayer bookmark, and follow the tips on the bookmark to evangelize to them. 

SUMMER CAMPS: If you would like assistance from the church concerning summer camps at Camp Mohaven for your child, please let me know. 

If I can assist you and your family, please let me know. 


PS: Remember to STAY THE COURSE!



Family Life Weekend 

With David & Beverly Sedlacek on July 14-15


Dr. David and Beverly Sedlacek, Co-Founders of Into HIS Rest Ministries, are a happily married Christian couple, with over six decades of combined clinical practice that uses biblical principles as the source for emotional healing and an “ebony/ivory" approach to counseling. David is a Professor of Family Ministry and Discipleship at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. Beverly Sedlacek (DNP,  PMHCNS-BC), is a gifted speaker, therapist, author, and educator with nearly 40 years of experience. Together, they have authored Cleansing the Sanctuary of the Heart: Tools for Emotional Healing. 











Prayer bookmarks available in the foyer.


Subscribe Today!


Free Community Event in Collegedale Tennessee
June 27 - July 1
For more information:


Try this:Tell someone “I love you”

Weekly reminder:
Become genuinely interested in other people
(John 4:7-42)

"Can you imagine emptying out the whole ocean and filling it with almonds, walnuts, cashews and pecans??!! That’s just NUTS!"




JUN 2            Cindy Naus

JUN 5            Brad Marsh, Jackie Fortune

JUN 6            Jim Larimore

JUN 7            Charles Jake, Jr.

JUN 9            Audra Butler

JUN 10          Gerald   Marsa     

JUN 11           Janessa Garman

JUN 13          DeLaura Caulder

JUN 14          Rachel Hall     

JUN 16          Jack Herman

JUN 18          Shiane D. Linton               


Regina Davis: Healing for her son who was in a bad motorcycle accident
Mary: Lost keys
Sarah Fryman's Mom: Recovering from a heart attack
Shaun Lazarus & Family: Faith, strength & comfort after loss of his brother 
Caulder Family: Comfort, strength, & peace in their time of loss
Helen Konewka: Healing for her daughter Karen's brain tumor
Gloria Clark & Ideisha: Healing, strength, & financial recovery
Liliana: Help with financial issues, career choices & son's health.
Kitsian: Lord's blessing to have a home of their own big enough for everyone
Julie: Patience, resiliency & resolution in a time of trials and tribulations
Sally & Shannon: Lord's protection, transportation,&  financial help
Sandy (Peggy's DIL)/Family: She has stage 4 pancreatic cancer 
Aaron: Proper diagnosis and healing for his health problems
Dennis Fryman: Health & rehabilitation from his recent health issues
Cindy Spalding and husband: Faith, strength, comfort, peace in her time of loss
Patricia Kash: Blessings of healing, comfort & faith as she is fighting ovarian cancer
Josh Arhns: Healing strength, and comfort from  stomach cancer
George: Blessings of health, happiness & the Holy Spirit after his recent stroke
Kristopher: (Cathie’s son): Healing & strength after his spinal surgery 
Angelique: Blessings of comfort, peace, & faith after the passing of her friend
Dianna: Blessings of peace and joy and help to get her new home live in ready
Fern Baer: Health & healing for her lymphoma, comfort, peace and joy 
Martha: Peace, faith & perseverance after losing both of her parents recently 
Tena: Healing, comfort & strength for cancer &  difficult chemo treatment
Alice: Healing, strength, & faith as she is in hospital with covid, kidney & pain issues
Travis & Emma: Blessings of health & financial stability
Lori Cole (Heather's SIL): Health & healing from cancer
Yohanna: God will provide a safe home for her family
Jeremy: Faith, strength, wisdom, comfort 
Bell-Fulghum Family: Comfort, strength, peace & joy in the Lord
Efrain Martes: Healing for back & leg pain
Debbie: Healing, good health, love, & solid finances
Jonathan (Cathie’s son): Strength from the Lord
Kim B: Restoration of health & healing for stomach pain
Mary Snowberger: Improvements of her health
Annette Martes: Health & healing
Jean Kline: Health & healing during her current health trials
Charles Jake: Healing & health
Kimiko Kawakami: Healing & health
Bev Ostrander: Healing from accidental injury
Saira Fryman: Health & healing
Linda Fryman: Health & healing, peace, joy as she lives with Parkinson’s
Peggy Willardo: Healing from health problems & help with anxiety



Please don't forget your secret sister!

Remember to try and place one small gift or card on the table in the foyer each month. 



    God's Pantry
        12:00 - 2:30

        (or until food runs out)

     The pantry always needs:
canned fruits and vegetables
            instant oatmeal
             peanut butter



Feel free to donate time, clothes, and household/personal items (e.g. dish soap, toilet paper, paper towel, detergent, cleaning supplies, etc.).


Toledo First SDA Church Service

(Audio Only)

Join Zoom Meeting

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If you're able and willing to cheerfully support (2 Corinthians 9:7) our school building addition, please consider adding it to your monthly contributions. Every little bit will help us pay for the loan. Thank you for helping us introduce more students at Toledo Junior Academy to Jesus and do more good (Psalm 51:18)!


Toledo First Pathfinders
Tuesdays 6:00pm


 July 9  -  October 8


There is a beautiful Sabbath School app now available for download. Search your app store for
"Sabbath School & PM."



TruthLink online Bible studies offer doctrinal clarity while showing the centrality of God's love.