Toledo First Headline News | August 11, 2022

Theological Hmm: I don't know all the ins and outs of this situation, but I know the only solution was prayer. – Denzel Washington
Sabbath School classes are encouraged to consider gathering together in the sanctuary on Saturday, August 13, 2022 instead of participating in their normal routines to attend our “Special Sabbath Rally” Starting at 9:30am with a presentation by evangelist Rich Halversen entitled “Darkness Will Not Overcome.” Hear about a parent's struggle with a son hooked on drugs. Learn how to cope with someone's addiction through the eyes of a mother & father. Hear how the power of prayer leads to victory.

Then, stay for church featuring Rich Halversen sharing the sermon message “Lost & Found." There will be a provided Friendship Lunch (sign up sheet on bulletin board; if space remains walk-ins welcome). 

Then, at 2pm there will be one more shorter presentation clarifying expectations for how we can help create a winsome experience during Prophecies of Hope SEPT 9 -24 nightly at 7:15 - 8:15pm. Join us!

Sabbath August 13th
After church In the Fellowship Hall


Please check the sign up sheet to see if space is available.

Important Whole Church Meeting:
Prophecy Series Logistics and Support!

Sabbath August 13th 2:00pm


We’ll need everyone to pitch in if we want a successful evangelistic series. From the person who smiles at the door to the person who hands out water to the guy who points the camera to the person who give someone a ride –  everyone is needed.

Please come and see what you can do to help!

There's a building committee meeting on Sunday August 14 @ 2:30pm in the fellowship hall. On the agenda is picking the color scheme of the exterior of the school addition. See some options above.
The Northwood SDA Church recently completed VBS (click here to watch VBS Graduation). Big thanks and way to go Toledo First volunteers who assisted. Northwood SDA is offering continuing Faith of Jesus small group bible studies Fridays @ 6:30pm and this page of information for children and their families to continue learning more about Jesus!
Help TJA recruit! Here's a list of Lucas County schools whose students are eligible to attend TJA. Do you know any families with students that attend these schools with transportation who would benefit from attending TJA?

This week on sabbath  Parkwood SDA Church will be celebrating


Need a quick or not so quick stress-break?

Fresh out of ideas?

Try this: cry !

Toledo First Women's Ministries is planning a prayer walk to pray for our church, our various ministries, and our school. Ladies are invited to meet at the church at 2 pm Sabbath afternoon August 20th.

If you are a sabbath school teacher, or a leader in any of our various ministries at the church please email prayer requests to Jackie Fortune at TJA faculty and staff are also encouraged to email prayer requests.

Lets reboot Women's ministries, and start off the school year in prayer for our church, school and each other!

Also, if there are any Ladies in our church that play a musical instrument please email Jackie as well.


It Only Takes a Spark!
            Youth Group 
  Arts & Crafts Social
           Parkwood Church 
  Sabbath August 27 
            12:30 - 3:30

Please sign up on the bulletin board!


Here's a weekly reminder of how to win friends for Jesus:  Esteem Others Higher Than Yourself   

(Philippians 2:3)

  • AUG 13  Prophecy Countdown - Rich Halversen
  • AUG 20  Dare To Be A Daniel - Chapter 9 - Pastor Mike
  • AUG 27 Dare To Be A Daniel - Chapter 8 - Pastor Mike
  • SEPT 3 Dare To Be A Daniel - Chapter 7 - Pastor Mike
MISS A MESSAGE? Did you know you can read the sermon notes via Google Docs by clicking this link for Pastor Mike's Sermons?
DAD JOKE OF THE WEEK Fences always get overlooked.
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Don't forget the food pantry always needs food and or monetary donations in order to keep serving our community!
Bread from Heaven Ministry

If you know someone in need, tell them we have bread from Panera in the kitchen on Fridays from 9:00am-10:00 am
Dunes Food Order forms are on the foyer table. Discounts are included on the regular price sheet now! Orders are due to the office by Tuesday August 16th. Delivery will be on Tuesday August 23rd. We'll call you as soon as it arrives!

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND - If we don't order a minimum of $1,000 we may have to wait until November for the next delivery. 

Welcome to the Family!

If you have been attending Toledo First for a while or just walked in the door last week! Please let us know if you want to become a member here ASAP!

Fill out a pew card, send an email, drop a note, text or just make a good old fashioned phone call!

August 5        Joseph Hampton
August  6       Joshua Fortune, Jewel Bailey
August  7       Laura Frey, Alex Jessop
August 9        Flynn Choti (Moses)
August 10      Nolan Hood
August 11      Deb Bening, Kay Kermode
August 14      Lanetta Cross, Kim Stanley
August 17      Teresa Moses
August 19      Chad Rieger
August 24      Mary Snowberger
August 26      Becky Godie, Laura Williams
August 27      Mary Ann Osinski, Cody Rieger
August 31      Cole St. Clair

There is a beautiful Sabbath School app now available for download. Search your app store for
"Sabbath School & PM."

SUMMER DIAL IN + ZOOM MEETING ID If you (or a senior you know) have limited or no internet access but want to listen to church (11am) on your phone, you can call 1 (312) 626-6799 (*long distance charges may apply) and enter Meeting ID 974 4789 0273. When prompted, please also add the password: 4909. You can also watch church on Zoom by going to their website and using the above Meeting ID and password.

AMAZON SMILE Simply by starting your Amazon shopping at and selecting Toledo Junior Academy as your charity of choice, a percentage of your purchase will go to TJA. Thanks for your support!

Pastor Mike continues teaching a baptismal / Bible study class for children and adults in the church office every Sabbath from 10-10:45am. Parents are welcome as well.

If you're able and willing to cheerfully support (2 Corinthians 9:7) our school building addition, please consider adding it to your monthly contributions. Every little bit will help us pay for the loan. Thank you for helping us introduce more students at Toledo Junior Academy to Jesus and do more good (Psalm 51:18)!

Click here to see final drawings for the proposed school addition.

Our prayer request AND PRAISE box is in the church foyer near the courtyard doors. Please feel free to fill out the cards and drop them in!  Cindy Crosby, Matthew Fulghum and other prayer warriors at church are eagerly waiting to hear from you! 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says pray without ceasing!

TruthLink online Bible studies offer doctrinal clarity while showing the centrality of God's love.